Friday, 29 April 2022


You can buy delta- 8 products in gas stations, specialty shops, and delta- 8 outlets near you. Alternatively, you may want to purchase them online, where you have to identify your brand of interest and shop on its website.

Cannabis extracts are becoming more popular, especially since the Farm Bill was passed in 2018, making industrial hemp with less than 0.3% THC legal. One cannabinoid that is fast picking up in the hemp space is delta- 8, a THC variant with milder action but equally intoxicating. It comes in various deliverable methods, including tinctures, edibles, vapes, and topicals, most of which are easily accessible in gas stations, delta- 8 THC outlets, and specialty shops. Like other cannabis enthusiasts, you might have performed a ‘delta- 8 near me’ search. This article helps you know how to choose delta- 8 THC products. 

What Is Delta- 8?

 Before shopping for delta- 8 products, you want to know what the substance means. Even as the hype around Delta 8 picks up consistently, not everyone understands. Schlienz et al. (2018) commented about THC, a powerful psychoactive and intoxicating compound in cannabis plants, particularly hemp and marijuana. Delta- 8 THC is a variant of THC which is mild in action but equally intoxicating and psychoactive, as Akpunonu et al. (2021) noted. Most delta- 8 fans consume it because they want something that strikes a balance between delta- 9 THC and CBD. Delta 8 THC is not as non-psychoactive as CBD but not as ‘high’ as delta- 9 THC.

Delta- 8 Deliverable Methods

It is worth noting that most cannabinoids are not directly absorbed into the body as food particles. Rather, they have to be infused into a form that the bloodstream can absorb, so the cannabinoid acts on it. Delta- 8 is not directly taken into the body and has to come in a deliverable form the bloodstream can take. Here are the common delta- 8 THC deliverable forms you may want to explore as you join the delta- 8 bandwagon for its purported claims;


You can sublingually administer delta- 8 THC tinctures and oils since they are easily bioavailable. The body easily absorbs them, allowing you to experience their effects fast.


If you don’t like the earthy taste of hemp extracts like delta- 8 THC, you should explore edibles like gummies, treats, and baked products, which strike a balance between flavor and delta- 8 so that you can benefit from both.


You can try delta- 8 vapes if you want a fast delivery of the delta- 8 and fast effects. Still, vaping may expose you to dangerous chemicals released when the coil disintegrates, so one should not overuse the vaping device.


If your problem is external, say chronic pain in the joints, you may want to explore delta- 8 topicals like creams, serums, and massage oils. Kruger & Kruger (2022) reported that delta- 8 might be good for pain, focus, and anxiety.


You may also want to ingest delta- 8 capsules to benefit from the cannabinoid. Like edibles, they are great at masking the earthiness of cannabis extracts, and they are also bioavailable.

Delta- 8 Near Me: Available Options

Whether you opt for delta – 8 capsules, edibles, vapes, or tinctures, there are multiple options. Still, you may want to know how to go about the process, specifically finding delta- 8 near you. There are two routes for you to go; buy the cannabinoid online or in-store. Interestingly, there seems to be no better option. The ultimate choice depends on what you are focusing on. Each method has pros and cons, and you should weigh both before buying delta- 8 in-store or online.

Buying Delta- 8 Online: Pros and Cons

Buying delta- 8 products online presents several options for you to choose from. Remember, the US alone has more than 250 brands and some stock delta- 8 products. Besides, some brands have fully committed to dealing in delta- 8 products, and you may want to choose your favorite delta- 8 items here. The following are the benefits of sourcing your delta- 8 online;

  • You will have many options to choose from
  • Buying delta- 8 online means having access to a brand’s online customer care support and being able to reach them for any questions
  • You can take advantage of bundled deals and save on the cost by buying delta- 8 online
  • Most brands selling delta- 8 products online offer discounts in the form of free delivery, further helping people save on purchases

While there seem to be many pros in buying delta- 8 online, it is not all merry. The method has its challenges that you have to deal with, including;

  • Some brands are not true to their claims and slogans. They may not offer quality delta- 8 products as they may be claiming
  • Purchasing delta- 8 THC products on any website may increase your chances of landing substandard products that may contain harmful compounds
  • Brands without proof of 3rd party tests may offer delta- 8 products with dangerous chemicals

Buying Delta- 8 THC In-Store: Pros and Cons

Most delta- 8 enthusiasts take the cannabinoid for fun and believe it might help them feel better. For instance, McCoy et al. (2018) reported that delta- 8 might imp

You can also opt to buy delta- 8 THC in smoke shops, specialty stores, and gas stations. Like online shopping, delta- 8 THC in-store has pros and cons that you weigh before settling for it. The pros include;

  • You don’t have to pay the delivery fees for you to have delta- 8 products
  • You can confirm all details before settling for any item
  • In-store shopping allows you to choose delta- 8 products whose expiration dates you are well aware of

Even so, you have to face the following challenges if you choose to shop delta- 8 THC in-store;

  • You cannot reach out to the customer care reps in case of any questions
  • Some in-store options price delta- 8 products highly
  • You might not have many options to explore as in online shopping
  • There is a possibility of contamination, especially when the products are arranged side-by-side


Delta- 8 THC is a THC variant with milder intoxicating effects. It is available in several delivery methods, including tinctures for sublingual There are many delta- 8 options to explore if you need the cannabinoid for your favorite delta- 8 picks. You can choose to buy the products online or in-store. It is worth noting that each has pros and cons that you must weigh before deciding. Herein discussed is how to source delta- 8, helping you see both sides of things to make a conscious decision.


Akpunonu, P., Baum, R. A., Reckers, A., Davidson, B., Ellison, R., Riley, M., … &
        Gerona, R. (2021). Sedation And Acute Encephalopathy In A Pediatric Patient
        Following Ingestion Of Delta-8-Tetrahydrocannabinol Gummies. The American
        Journal Of Case Reports, 22, E933488-1.

Kruger, J. S., & Kruger, D. J. (2022). Delta-8-Thc: Delta-9-Thc’s Nicer Younger
        Sibling?. Journal Of Cannabis Research, 4(1), 1-8.

Schlienz, N. J., Lee, D. C., Stitzer, M. L., & Vandrey, R. (2018). The Effect Of High-Dose
        Dronabinol (Oral THC) Maintenance On Cannabis Self-Administration. Drug
        And Alcohol Dependence, 187, 254-
        260. Https://Www.Sciencedirect.Com/Science/Article/Pii/S0376871618301844

The post DELTA- 8 NEAR ME appeared first on Just Delta .

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